Posted by on Feb 17, 2008 in CELEBRATION, JOY, LOVE, POETRY, Sahara | 2 comments

It’s Sunday evening and the world around me is very still.

shellHarmony keeps ringing in my ear. I’m always pleasantly surprised when this happens. It’s a vivid reminder of who I am.

I can’t imagine or maybe I can, what it was like before I received this gift. I just know that it fills such a warm place inside me.

It’s as if a flock of snow birds have landed on my shoulders beckoning me to fly away with them. Nature is such a wonderful teacher. Trees stretch their branches towards the sun and provide us with a bounteous amount of shade. Leaves fall in the autumn and provide a soft passage for man and animal.

Flowers in all their splendour make the journey that much sweeter.

Ah!!!! Ain’t life grand.