The Clean Lines of Life

It was once said that “human beings are not born with instruction manuals” – but that we have an innate “blueprint” design at our very core that can inform us of our true and beautiful trajectory in life. How important is it to know this?

I became aware, in my post-teenage years, that humans move like lemmings. Like sheep. Like well-intentioned doctors, nurses and patients – in a hospital where the doctors are sick, the patients are well, and the nurses are spreading disease.

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One Day, One Summer

the slide-show is delicate
now the next moment

i will be where i want to be
when i get there

there is no getting and no going
the doorway of this moment
has let me in

i am not interested
in the winter of mankind
any longer

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Dancing The Blues Away…

Tonight, we sang.

Then we Danced.

Between times we drank some decent Pale Ale. And there was a good blues band playing in our fave bar & grille. We’re talkin’ Chicago-style blues of Butterfield and Siegal Schwall notoriety.

So, in following Jan’s lead, here we are, in the thick of ‘dance’…

Music is such an amazing celebration. It speaks to our bones and ligaments about the spark of life. Animation. I recall going through so many phases of life to get comfortable with my body, my ego, my sense of timing. In years gone by: “what will they think of me if my hands and mouth and hips? don’t obey each other? Or, I can’t do this without a girl on my hip. Or a drink on my lips.

The validity of life as it shouts and screams and calls and sings inside us is magnificent. We who want this dance. We who want this indescribeable blossoming of spirit, this trumpeting and water-falling of nectar at the center of things.

I listened and watched myself traveling through the familiar grooves of what music does to the mind.  We are so multi-sensorial: this is a sweet mix of feeling, nostaligia, memory, joy, the orgasmic delight of that change in the 12-bar structure where the lead guitarist puts in the hooks that speak to your thyroid gland… then the blues harp, french-kissing your eardrums with such a working-mans victory.  The sinking into the easychair of sweetess.

We live such a rich life.

I remember studying the “cerebellum” in physiology, neurology, whatever-ology.  And the teacher spoke of the complex systems of movment, balance and delicate motor coordination that were ‘memorized’ in these multi-dimensional “engrams” of coagulated intelligence.  The example was a child learning piano.  All the subtleties of 10 fingers striking 10 keys with such delicacy, mixed with the nuance, the emotion of the music, mixed again with the recognition of this string of black notes on a staff thru the eyes.  And all that implanted, merged, coded in this amazing part of the brain that stores complex cognitive memory mashes.

We know so little, we know so much.  We know so “nothing”; we know so “everything”.  The everything and the nothing marry, romance, seduce each other and make wild love in these tunnels of the soul.

And we dance, because there is no tomorrow.

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