Standing at the Threshold
A few years ago I found myself standing in my closet, madly searching for clean clothes in a last minute attempt to pack before yet another business trip, when I noticed my 4-year old son standing at the entrance. In one hand, he held a small blue wand, in the other — a plastic bottle of soapy water. “Dada,” he said, looking up at me, his eyes wide open, “do you have time to catch my bubbles?”
Time? It stopped. And so did I. At that moment, it suddenly made no difference whether or not I caught my plane — I could barely catch my breath. The only thing that existed was him and that soulful look of longing in his eyes.
For the next ten minutes, all we did was play — him blowing bubbles and laughing. Me catching and laughing, too. His need was completely satisfied. His need for connection. His need for love. His need for knowing, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that absolutely everything was perfect just the way it was.
Read MoreOne Word
It’s a bit late for Valentines but Valentines Day got me thinking about “love”.
The roses and chocolates and the fluffy bears with red hearts for Valentines Day are a bit thin for something that seems to be so significant for human life. For something that is in every layer of ourselves and our human society universally: Love.
The Ancient Greeks had three words for love: Eros, Phillia and Agape. Sanskrit has ninety-six, ancient Persian had 80. In English we label lots of experiences with one word: “love”.
There’s love and marriage, there’s the love of parents for children & children for parents, there’s the soap opera “love”, there’s the compassionate love of people who help those less fortunate, there’s the talk of love for and from a God. Then there’s the lusty love. And the reverse of it all: a lack of love, being brought up without love, not having anyone to love or anyone to love you,
Read MoreAin’t Life Grand
It’s Sunday evening and the world around me is very still.
Harmony keeps ringing in my ear. I’m always pleasantly surprised when this happens. It’s a vivid reminder of who I am.
I can’t imagine or maybe I can, what it was like before I received this gift. I just know that it fills such a warm place inside me.
It’s as if a flock of snow birds have landed on my shoulders beckoning me to fly away with them. Nature is such a wonderful teacher. Trees stretch their branches towards the sun and provide us with a bounteous amount of shade. Leaves fall in the autumn and provide a soft passage for man and animal.
Flowers in all their splendour make the journey that much sweeter.
Ah!!!! Ain’t life grand.
Read MoreThank you my heartfelt Reminder
This basic awareness,
this heartfelt feeling,
from which everything starts
and everything ends
in which there is no name,
except maybe that one;
“i am who i am”,
so easy to feel,
as a breath itself
to pick up with it
all inner gifts of peace,
to pick up with it
all the love
that is between
this breath and lungs
and accept them in consciousness
yet for some so hard to understand
Thank goodness
i have you
my dear heartfelt Reminder. :)
Stoyan Svet
Meeting his eyes
As long as you understand
who is backing up whom
and who is backing up what
everything is more and more right
you become more and more kind
to that sweet peace in your heart
you become more and more thankful
humble to that sweet inner love
and then you again and again understand
why you so long to meet his eyes
why you so need
that heart’s mirroring touch :)
Sweetheart of the Endless Sun
These are Latitudes of Change, Seasons of Capture
This is Just Another Thursday
But the only one I will ever live on Feb 14th, 2008.
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