whale communion
whale communion
and all the spirits that sip
the license, the grave, the sunglasses, the speeding car
we all drink from the fiesta of the sun
Novocaine aspirin run-ons bears
seemingly brave eyes in your headlights
glare back and kill you with their love
before they run over your heart
with the steel-toe boots
you gave to charity
a millennium ago.
will you come back and watch your own movie?
Read MoreBullet-Holes of God
there is a time for going back
and a place-holder for Infinity.
i will remind you of the Road For Angels
and the Bullet-Holes of God that are
placed lovingly in your flesh
but first you must commence
the Lonely Voyage,
the one and only Journey
to your own core,
until you understand
your thirst
your value
your fragility
your connection
your capacity for sweetness
and your ability to forget
all that you know
for the taste
of sugar
Old Radio — Endless Static
I am listening to Van Morrison
on an old radio.
I am an Old Person.
I am remembering a Long Life;
a life that no longer exists.
I am entering this moment called “Now”,
and I can take nothing with me.
Van Morrison fades, and the Radio is gone –
gone into something Younger,
a voice I hardly know.
A Younger Voice is singing about Love & Sweetness;
these Guitar Chords have been used before.
the Minor makes the Major all-the-more worthwhile.
It’s an Old Guitar and a Young Voice,
and the Afternoon aches for recognition
as Time slips by.
Van Morrison is gone, and I can’t recall his name.
Young Voices have taken over the radio
and I’m dissolving in a Purple Flame.
The Magic of Love is massaging my Heart,
and I just don’t know What To Do.
Perhaps I’ll just be quiet,
And let the Triumphant Armies of Love
Come Marching right on through.
Your God is too Small for Me.
you tell me of your god
your god that draws lines in the desert
and says “this is Holy Land” and “That is Not…”
your god that says, “you must pronounce my name This Way, not That Way…”
your god that says, “here is my Book of Rules that you must live by…”
and you say that your god is Big and Is Everything and Knows Everything.
I listen to this and I shake my head, and I say,
Sorry, your god is too small for me.
you tell me of your god
your god that makes the decree of marriage sacred,
marriage that allows a man to abuse his wife and child,
your god that decries homosexuality and pre-marital sex,
your god that despises birth control and abortion,
but loves abandoned women raising children in abject poverty.
I listen to this and I shake my head, and I say,
Sorry, your god is too small for me.
you tell me of your god
that lives in a temple but hates the mosque
that lives in the mosque and hates the synagogue,
that lives in the synagogue but hates the church,
that promises heaven after we die
if we live by the rules, stipulations and laws
written, edited and argued by thousands of men.
I listen to this and I shake my head, and I say,
Sorry, your god is too small for me.
you say your god is big;
I say your mind is small.
And your mind, with its faulty and fragile ego
will never comprehend one crumb of the Infinite.
Your “god” fits conveniently in your mind,
but you have abandoned your own heart.
Sorry, your god is too small for me.
Ocean, Sand & Chain.
Who are you, you who are reading this post?
Are you a visitor, a stranger, a dog at the door, a crumb in the kitchen, a flame in the tinder-box forest of Love?
Are you a One-Night Stand, a Toothless Old Lady, a Bottle-Washer from Winnipeg, a Mohawk-Hair Earing Studded Leper of the U2 Colony of Extended Liberation?
Are you really Who You Are?
Are you AwArE?
of the Hardware that Certifies you as “Human” …?
of the Software that upgrades your Heart to the Silent Flame of Life, dancing in Fragility deep in the Cavern of your Inner Breath?
of the Extended Shelf-Life that you’re Living, defying the Pain of Breathing, the Obstacle of the Ancient Hill-Climb, the Marathon of the Eternally-Dying-Dog, running in the Heat of the Night?
Who are you, you who are reading this post?
A lost Lizard in a Day-Care Center for Dinosaurs?
A Standing Tribute to all the Gay Singers of the Roaring 40’s?
A Plush Popsicle, waiting to melt in the mid-day Sun?
A Jehova’s Witness, standing “Naked-For-Jesus” at the Door of Eternal Life?
Does God inhabit your Genitals… or is your “thinking” all above the 49th Parallel?
Are you Decaffeinated, or Simply Relaxed in your own Shoes?
Can you feel Peace in the Tentative Strings of your own Heartbeat?
Can you Hear the Vast River of Angels in the caverns of your “indoor plumbing” …?
Can you slide back the Sun-Roof and eject yourself into the Stratosphere, comfortably, quietly, without activating your Air Bags, your Nagging Housewives, or your Dumb, Eternally-Barking Inner Guard-Dog, who has ruined many Staff Picnics on your own behalf … ?
Who are you, who is reading this post?
Yourself a Poster? A Toaster? A Hostmaster? Nutcracker? Sailor-Boy? Country-Girl? Breaker of Fish-cakes and purveyor of Manna from the Heavens? Have you let your little girls and boys out to play? Where, pray tell, is your playground?
Lost again, forgot the trail of Breadcrumbs. Forgot the home buried deep in the woods. Disowned and forsook your own Forest, your own Sacred Trees, your pure and unspoiled rivers. For the sake of “Candy”. Expensive Candy. No Dentist, no Teeth, no Wisdom, no Food of any worldly kind will ever stop this incessant craving of the heart for that Infinite Candy not known to any scripture.
Who are you, who is reading this post?
Can you truly read, and taste the lines of silver and gold between the stupid Times New Roman, or are you caught up in the dance of words, intellect and pride. There is no recycling plant that will handle that stuff. It is yours to sip until you fall drunk into your own mortality.
One tiny Diamond in the Garbage Dump, and the Human Life is made Noble.
And the rest falls gently, as Oceans once again make their Claim …