life itself

The ways the human spirit moves, is a flag in the wind. Tibetan prayer flags high on the forbidden plateau. Proud national flags in gardens of guns and roses. Tattered artistic flags with beautiful threads of gold and silver, arcing gently in soft winds.

Flags in sunset, flags in sunrise. Flags with curious symbols; flags with ears and eyes. Flags freshly born; flags ready to die; flags at half-mast, full-mast… flags that reach for, and long for the sky.

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Breath Within Breath

awesome sun
you cradle my brow
your soften my face
you breathe my name

The magic that surrounds you, also inhabits you...

majestic sky
you whisper my shape
you extend my vision
you guide my arms
you hug my heart

soft rain
you drench my skin
you fill my thirsty heart
you drown me in music
you moisten my parched smile

breath within breath
you guide me, ride me
inside me you slide me
along this majestic
tunnel of time
this tunnel of love
this surreal rainbow
that blesses my life
from above….

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Art Of The Eternal Sun

art of the eternal sun
you have touched me

all i can hold
all i can be
all i can contain

this spills from silent lips
to waiting ears
the palace of sound
the river of softness
the walkway of substance
the dance of ‘amazing’

art of the eternal sun
you have held me
for a million years
hold me now
hold me again
hold me forever

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inside out

beauty inside beauty
all we can see
more we can be

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Tree Indeed

Tree Indeed
you planted me

I grow too short
beside infinity


you prune my leaves
you shape my song

you give me shelter
I’m in the sun too long


I drink your nectar
in the quiet of home

I whisper your name
I’m never alone


Tree indeed
I planted you

Seed in my heart
remains forever true.

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With no demand

Love’s face

has taken her place

she smiles from behind my eyes

she’s wearing me as her disguise

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