Posted by on Mar 30, 2008 in CELEBRATION, CONSCIOUSNESS, JOURNALS, JOY, LOVE, Self-Discovery | 0 comments

There is only one place where there are no disturbances. As long as I remain
Still in the center, peace will settle the ripples, creating a continued flow of balance.
Remaining steadfast to the strength that ever upholds me, I can relax, assured
Of my ability to maintain in clarity regardless of those energies not in alliance


With the understanding that is ever reliable. Sometimes one must hold fast
To the knowing one possesses, not wavering from the only foundation
That is ones absolute base of support. This strategic initiative to not lose focus
Regardless of the external situation, will allow for distribution of the inundation.

This flood must occur, for it has no choice but to move forward. Imperative
Force that seeks communion with the superior essentials of all that is matter.
This realization to acquaint the whole with the most inclusive inner aspect,
Is the primary resolution that governs ones actions and incentives. The latter

Patterns that previously formed structures, no longer fully serves the growth
That is presently occupying the space. An expansive clarity is taking residence,
Thus the light of peace’s domain will settle comfortably into this central area.
This establishment of a pristine core will attract like harmonies and felt evidence


Of this factual emanation will be noted by the surrounding atmosphere.
This seeding, this rooting of a firm and coherent good, will generate
Such a stabilizing grounding, that it will influence positively the earthly
And ethereal aspects of those that come into such contact. This will to venerate

The most lofty qualities of our beings, will quickly transfer into a reality
Based on the hearts dominion. It is time for us to own our divinity.
There is a glorious revelation that wishes to enfold us, and we must allow
This acceptance to penetrate into the souls immense and thirsty vicinity.

You see more then concrete objective thought structures, there is a need,
A requirement that calls us to answer. It draws us to an inner attention,
To a realm beyond the masks and play, where there is serene completion.
Feel the pull of this magnetism to unify. A supreme endeavor, an intention


To collaborate, melding our beings in a combination so profound that it will
Literally startle us into awakening. What is this occurrence that cannot be labeled?
What is this Knowing that can actually be heard by all in silence. Within is
The answer to this question that has no logical verbal response. Possibly a fabled

Tale unfolds organically within our very own frames, and we only to read this book
That has no words, no title, no cover. It has an author however who has one face,
One heart, one breath, and this consciousness hides inside waiting to be discovered.
The ultimate game of hide and seek. Find this One and be full of effulgent grace.