Love … when I am feeling it I am complete.
Gratitude is a natural by product, because the outlook is good,
whether or not everything is going my way or not.
If clarity fills my sight, I am happy, sadness has disappeared,
and hope rises brightly on the horizon.
I find the fluctuations of our emotional terrain to be like the weather. However even if it rains, I have an umbrella to protect me, regardless of what is happening on the outside.
This is excellent, for I have seen that my expectations, desires, wishes, may or may not be fulfilled, but where will I be when success or failure come before the screen of my personal drama?
Success, love, all the positives we seek to have, are actually always with us, but often
we are emotionally or mentally somewhere else, so we keep missing one another.
In order for the two to become one, singularity has to be so streamlined into our perspective, that automatically you are positioned for abundance to come pouring in.
Attaining that freedom; where you are not bothered by concerns, worries, needs,
or anything for that matter. You just are content; and in the moment, you can smile and feel that connection, that only yesterday you thought you had lost. Being found is the most profound reality, for it indicates that yes all is well, all is aligned, according to correct specifications.
You sense, that where you presently are standing, is solid. There is a foundation that may be invisible, but you sense is extremely concrete. Strength, accomplishment, confidence all are now etched into the picture, and these attributes allow one to breath easy, for as a pillar you are rooted in the Self. The self that is hooked in, to the grander scheme of things.
Where a bridge has been created that establishes that you are walking on both mortal and immortal grounds. Drawing your sustenance from the power of life itself, rather then the fluctuating circumstances that happen in existence, gives one the ability to journey through it all, yet still maintain your balance.
Of course not always, but in practicing this art of recognition, eventually you get good at it.
So love is here, it never left. Where would it go, when it needs to reside in our hearts.
It must find its refuge inside of us, and when we give it the space to occupy, it reveals itself and welcomes us into its comfortable abode.
I find it fascinating that all that we yearn for, is as close as our breath, but we actually lose it, forget it, believe it has abandoned us, when nothing could be farther from the truth.
How can the very force that created us, leave us stranded? No, the whole point is that each of us gets to find our Self, within our Self. Conveniently the Self is not far to look, one just needs to relax, and lo and behold the appearance of every good and Godly thing, is evidently right within.
So I believe it is time to give thanks, for we actually have more then what we could possibly dream up; for in reality the dream is alive and well, and living as us.
This love note, just a reminder, a reflection to see,
how beautiful … you definitely are.