These are Latitudes of Change, Seasons of Capture
This is Just Another Thursday
But the only one I will ever live on Feb 14th, 2008.
This is Only Me, talking to Only You
This Only One Little Voice
Talking to Only One Little Heart
See Me Hear Me Feel Me;
My words will end soon and you’ll all be Alone.
Blowing in the wind that Knows No Rest
Blowing in the Desert of Lost Dreams
Deposited in a Sweet River, lonely little Seed,
Only to grow again and again and again.
As the Winter grows Older every year
and the Springtime grows newer,
Your face grows younger as your smile
goes wild
your Eyes are Magnificent
as your Hair Falls Out of your head.
take my soft little hand
into your warm and wrinkled smile
Sweetheart of the Endless sun.