Posted by on Mar 6, 2008 in EVENTS, JOURNALS, MISC, PREM RAWAT | 0 comments

Lima downtown is an area than meets more than ten million people a day. The colorful crowd has received epithets such as “urban wildlife”, “concrete jungle” and several less poetic names, that describe, somewhat, its chaotic aspect. There can be seen, perhaps, the best and the worst of this stunning city, called “City of the Viceroys”.

The beautiful restored historic buildings, try to survive the smog that, merciless, covers them every day, with a layer of black pollution; and the noise of thousands of public service passenger cars is such a cacophony, which peaks among noontime to eight p.m. The scenes are worth of a Fellini’s film, disturbing the mood of walking people. It’s easy to feel alone among this concert.lima

In one of these busy streets of Lima, called Camana St., in the third block, Hugo Monroy, a loving student of Prem Rawat, operates the “Third Millennium” Restaurant, where, day by day he prepares delicious Peruvian food for regular customers in the area, with the help of secret recipes, inherited from his maternal grandmother.

In fact, these recipes are the only thing Hugo doesn’t share with anybody, because the rest of him is an open house at the disposal of his greatest passion: spread the message of Prem Rawat.

With the help of Maritza Espinoza, since 15 months ago, this restaurant-at-day becomes every Thursday and Sunday, a “Hall of Propagation” at night, reuniting a beautiful community who meet in these days according to a very specific schedule: Thursdays, at 7 pm, meet those who are watching the Keys and at 8 pm, introductory events take place. Usually, the ones who were watching the Keys remain at the introductory event. On Sundays, since 5 to 6:30 pm, there are introductory events.

Once a month, General Meetings of Participation happen with the attendance of the total of members of the community. An average of 12 to 15 people, attend each event along with interested persons. In a short time, with much effort and lots of love, a new introductory room will be opened for more frequent events on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, from 5:00 to 6:30 pm.

At the moment, three people who listened about Prem Rawat in the Camana Hall, have received Knowledge and forty-three (yes, 43) candidates are watching The Keys, at different stages and at their own rhythm.

This, by itself, commendable and very inspiring, is enhanced by two small but very important details: physical poverty and greatness of love. Those of us, who are used to see pictures of introductory programs, in luxurious auditoriums equipped with all the available technology, will be amazed to know the real conditions in which these events take place. The Camana Hall is an old commercial building in Lima downtown, with all the disadvantages that oldness gives, besides a very little venerable appearance.

With his own resources and great effort, Hugo has improved the previously-decadent appearance of the building. The 4,000 square feet of saloon, have received new floors and painting, trying to make it according to the beautiful purpose of outreach, which it has prioritized.

Manch Picchu, Lima PeruAnd so much waits to be done. Resources are limited and get depleted. The new lounge being prepared with the aim of improve the services of propagation, is in a point where, with a little more of effort, it will be concluded. Then, there comes the matter of equipment. And in the meantime, the message is getting out.

Talking with Hugo and Maritza, I feel so stimulated; they overflow the energy and enthusiasm that motivates them in their way, passing through all the barriers they find. Hugo gives a critical glance at the local and says it needs a door to separate the restaurant from the Propagation area, in order to achieve necessary privacy and some silence, in such a way aspirants can listen The Keys with complete concentration. Maritza goes right to the point and says would be great to have a multimedia projector and a screen for the events because they had a TV and a DVD “and it’s not the same.”

The hall is big and they only use the front, improvising a small auditorium with a capacity about 60 persons. Maritza says a large-screen event would attract many more people to these events, of the many thousands of  passing on the sidewalk. Otherwise, she says, it would be very good to have more TV’s, DVD players and headphones, in such a way candidates can hear the message in a personal way. And a computer with Internet would make easier communications and printings. Hugo adds that two additional walls  can be improved besides the Chamber of Applicants, for use of Information Room and propagation material can take place there, in a showcase.

Beautiful dreams, beautiful reality. So much love flows in this conversation, which makes me think about each one blessed: touched by love in his heart, with gratitude circulating by every artery and vein, who only wants people around know that it’s possible feel real joy in this life… and such gratitude to find an open heart.

I leave this conversation with such sweetness in my heart, and Lima downtown looks, now, a garden full of seeds of the most fragrant flowers, waiting for the hand of the gardener who brings water and love. And now I feel I want to help Hugo and Maritza in their effort. And now I feel I want everyone to know the miracle that’s happening in the Hall of Camana.

If you want to help Hugo and Maritza, you can visit or write them? at this address:

Hugo Monroy
Jr. Camana 356
Lima 1 (Cercado)
The cell phone number of Hugo is 0051-1-9113-5763 and Maritza’s is 0051-1-9030-0526. Maritza`s mail is Mephali at Yahoo and Hugo’s mail is HTmonroy At Yahoo.